Immanuel Lutheran Church | Leland

exterior of Immanuel Lutheran Church Leland MI Leelanau Peninsula Chamber of Commerce member

One way to summarize our beliefs is by using the "Reformation Solas" ('sola' is Latin for 'alone'). Lutherans believe that it is by GRACE ALONE that one is eternally saved by God. It is by FAITH ALONE in CHRIST ALONE that one has access to this grace of God and its promise of salvation. Finally, SCRIPTURE ALONE is the basis for all of our doctrine and practice.

The doctrinal statements of the Lutheran Church are contained in The Book of Concord of 1580. This book contains a number of documents that set forth what Lutherans believe, teach, and confess. These documents are The Augsburg Confession, The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, The Large and Small Catechisms of Martin Luther, The Smalcald Articles, The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope and The Formula of Concord.


303 East Pearl
Leland, MI 49654




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