Please join the Leelanau County Housing Collaborative Committee members for a HousingWorkshop on January 8th from 6-8 p.m. at the Leelanau County Government Center (Communitymeeting room).
The Collaborative is comprised of organizations working on housing solutions inLeelanau County and includes Sleeping Bear Gateway Council, Leelanau Peninsula EconomicFoundation, Leelanau County Housing Action Committee, Leelanau Peninsula Chamber ofCommerce, Peninsula Housing and Housing North.
We will share resources and materials from the Leelanau Housing Ready Program" to help Leelanaucommunities evaluate their own standards, strategies, plans and ordinances in addressing housingsolutions.
This workshop is ideal for key partners, housing advocates, and community leaders dedicated to promoting housing solutions in Leelanau County. Here is a link to register for the workshop. Refreshments provided. For questions, contact our Executive Director Yarrow Brown at